Chloe Edwards
Unique Mind Counselling & Psychotherapy
© 2022 Chloe Edwards

How therapy can help curb anxiety
​Anxiety is a huge burden and can feel like it's taking over your whole life. It can come and go with no apparent cause, and can make you feel like your circumstances are worse than they really are.
Whilst anxiety serves no productive purpose, the milder end of the anxiety spectrum (worry) can actually be helpful - it makes us check for traffic before crossing the road, or avoid dark alleyways in the dead of night - essentially it keeps us aware and therefore safe. This is what makes treating anxiety so difficult - we don't want to remove completely, but instead to reduce it to a helpful level.
Sometimes there will be a trigger for anxiety in the form of a traumatic experience or a life change such as moving house, a breakup, or starting a new job, but sometimes there is no definitive cause (and this can be scariest of all). No matter how your anxiety started, if you feel overrun by it then counselling can help you to take back control.
Understandably if you're already feeling anxious then the idea of beginning therapy can feel so scary it might feel too much. To try to take some of the fear out of counselling I have written about what the first session will be like HERE, and I also encourage you to contact me in whatever way feels most comfortable for you, be that a call, text or email to ask any questions you might have. We can also have a brief chat on the phone before you book anything to help you to feel as informed as possible before you make any decision.
If you think you might want to try some sessions with me, then please get in touch.